About the SandSI Membership
Event Organizers
Formula-E • 11th Hour Racing
International WELL Building Institute
FIVB • FIA • Professionals, (Para)Athletes, Students
Clubs & Teams
NY Yankees • Getafe C.F. S.A.D.
5T Sports • ALLCOT
Our 3 Pillars
SandSI’s Primary Purpose Is to Accelerate Sustainability In and Through Sport.
To Achieve That, the Organization:
CONNECT—a global community of clubs, leagues, federations, events and venue operators aiming to make their facilities, competitions and everyday operations more efficient.
CONVENE—industry professionals, sustainability leaders and technology and operations innovators to drive performance and meaningful impact from their activities.
CURATE—best practices, practical solutions, case studies and educational resources for the benefit of its members so that they may achieve more with less, while remaining true to their mission of delivering outstanding experiences and lasting legacies.
Membership Types
This membership category is open to all sport rights holders, facilities, clubs, teams, events and public sector interests such as host cities and government departments who have the capacity to directly control and impact sustainability in and through sport.
Associate Membership
This membership category is open to corporate organizations and professionals such as architects, consultants, product and service providers, independent certification agencies, academics and others who facilitating and enable sustainability in and through sport.
Individual Membership
This membership category supports interested parties whose employer may not be a SandSI member but who share an interest in, and passion for, creating a more sustainable sports industry. Athletes, students and academics or sports industry professionals whose organizations are not members of SandSI typically join at this level. Consultants or service providers are kindly requested to join at the associate level.
Membership Benefits
• Easily identify and access a ‘Community of Practice’ (Peer Network) focused on SDG-based goals, programs and best practices in sport
• Closed-door sessions to explore peer-driven solutions, explore collaboration
• Knowledge hub, persistent, current resource center
• On-demand support desk answers when searching for solutions, service providers
• Preferential pricing for SandSI events
• Full access to membership directory
• (Eventually) directed research on relevant topics
• Earned media/brand enhancement via SandSI affiliation
• Influence program development via participation in working groups
• Direct influence in SandSI policy development via participation in working groups
• SandSI affiliation
For any questions or queries please contact us here.